Sunday 12 July 2015

Week 5

In Wednesday's class, we used the program Nuke for compositing exercises. We learned how to mix around and neatly organize different nodes to get our desired result. First, we used a picture file of cans. For the remainder of the class, we imported three seperate video files of robots, robot shadows and a car driving on a road into Nuke and arranged the nodes to make a video in which the robots were running away from the running car.

I feel that I could have made the shadows of the robots a bit darker but for my first day using Nuke, I was happy with the end result.

Sarah had made some changes to her Voodoo animation, as well as planned out the story and birds eye view map of the baby's bedroom. In Thursday's class, I drew a few concept sketches for Sarah's Voodoo project. She said she wanted the crib to be made out of what appears to be bones. This was to fit the "cute monstrosity" theme. Also, she wanted the objects in the bedroom to have a old and run-down look to them so I sketched my ideas trying to incorporate those aspects.

  Although I was working on sections of the major project and assisting with the Voodoo project, it wasn't enough work for the unit or enough to adequately meet the learning outcomes. I needed to do my own solo project with an emphasis on 3D modelling in order to meet the learning outcomes for the showreel that emphasises your specialisation (modelling) and several others. I felt I was already meeting these outcomes with the Voodoo project but doing this solo project would strengthen them. I needed to come up with the idea by next week to pitch.

A position opened up for me to help out with the modelling section of the major project. It was the time for them to work on rough scenes for the animatic. I chose Package 6 which involved Scene 6 and Scene 13. Scene 6 had already been modelled by Chris so I only had to work on Scene 13 which included large sand dunes behind a clearing with a dried up tall tree. I made alterations and showed Nathan, the team leader of the Modelling department to get his advice and approval. Each scene had measurement requirements. Scene 13's scene scale was in metres. The width was 4 x 4 metres and the height was 0.5 metres. I made a 0.5 metre cylinder to help with the height.


Casey had already made a rough tree mesh that was more realistic looking so I replaced my tree with that one that to put in the scene.

Casey's Tree Proxy
Casey's Tree Proxy
Finished Dunes Landscape

0.5 Metre Cylinder

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