Friday 31 July 2015

Week 9

First, I tried to model the rocks according to the model sheet, however this did not turn out as I hoped to. Next I took the proxies of the rocks that Nathan Iseppi had already made and adjusted them as he said. He suggested taking the stepped edges, dragging them in and moving them up. I showed these to the Art Director, Bridget Harvey but did not get a reply.

I didn't feel I would be able to balance the amount of work required for the Major Project with my Lighthouse project. I felt I should quit working on the major project so I could use the remaining weeks to focus on my lighthouse project and small part of the Voodoo project. I discussed this with my tutor on Tuesday who agreed and so as of Tuesday, I was not involved with the major project from then on.

We also decided that my lighthouse project would only focus on the interior. The exterior would require too many unnecessary features such as the environment surrounding it which were not the focus of the project.

I got a reply from Bridget, however by that point I was not involved in the project anymore. Also on Wednesday, the Director, Elisa Di Clemente decided that she didn't want them in Scene 3 anymore anyway. The rocks were simply available then for anyone who may want them

On Wednesday's class, there were WIP (Work in Progress) presentations. These were mostly for the scenes of the major project and later on for the side projects. I didn't feel I had enough material to discuss for my lighthouse project so I decided not to for this week. I also planned out more of how I intended it to look. My tutor's feedback was that it was too wide.

On Thursday, I had my Specialisation Presentation which I will discuss more in the next post.

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